Thursday, January 20, 2011

Study: Babies may need more than breast milk

Feeding solid food earlier and not relying solely on breastfeeding for the first six months might be beneficial to babies. Waiting to wean a baby from breast milk could increase the occurrence of food allergies and iron deficiency. Also, keeping to the six months recommendation could "reduce the window for introducing new tastes. Bitter tastes, in particular, may be important in the later acceptance of green leafy vegetables, which may potentially affect later food preferences with influence on health outcomes such as obesity.
 I think that all parents should read this news article. It could be very beneficial to their baby. Parents do not want to be responsible for negatively affecting their child's taste buds or health. If babies will accept vegtables because they are weaned off milk earlier, parents should wean them. Most children do not like vegtables when they are younger, so changing their eating habits are important. Children have to be exposed to new tastes. If they are exposed from an early age, they are more likely to be accepting of those tastes. Breast milk alone can not help children learn to accept food. Babies need to be weaned from breast milk early so they do not obtain a food allergy or somehow have an iron deficiency.

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