Tuesday, October 5, 2010

100,000 kids in pakistan face starvation

 A young baby is laying on the dirt floor of a small un airconditioned hut with her stomach bulging out from malnutrition. Her mother cannot get food to feed her because her husband forbaid her to leave the hut until he returns from work. That means that she has to wait up to 6 hours a day with 2 4 day old babies with no food and no means to keep the babies cool and comfortable. These children are hardly anything different than normal in Pakistan since the floods came and wiped nearly every home from the face of the earth.

 It is so terrible how children only 7,000 miles away from me are dying from starvation and all i see is a tiny little news article in a news website. These children go through perils that never cross my mind in the worst nightmares. How can you look at a child whose skin is sagging and stomach bulging from malnutrition and not want to do something that can help make them better? People in UNICEF need to make families that have starving infants a first priority, because they are the most in need. These little innocent babies have done nothing other than being born at the wrong time because of a flood. Houses should be built to help protect these little guys, and people blessed with the little things in life that they take for granted should contribute and help out these families in need.

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