Friday, October 29, 2010

Ark. school official to resign after posting anti-gay screed

 In a facebook posting, a member of an Arkansas school board stated that he thinks all gay youths should kill themselves. He read a facebook campaign asking people to wear purple in honor of the gay and lesbian youths that had commited suicide, and wrote that he would only wear purple if all of "them" killed themselves. Several school officials called attention to his post and agree that his posting does not represent the school when he posts on his facebook page. He has agreed to resign after public disapproval of him.

This man makes me very angry. How he can be a public school teacher, and have such radical, homophobic thoughts is beyond comprehension. He creates a bad example of himself. Students should look up to their teachers, not be embarrassed by what they have to say. Instead of ranting about how much he hates gays, he should have just kept his mouth shut. I'm glad that he will no longer have a job on the school board, but i think the faculty should have fired him. He shouldn't have been able to say all that he said, and then just been able to quit. He should have been reprimanded, or punished in some way. He could have had an effect on the students that he taught, and one of them may have killed themselves. Everyone has an impact, no matter what they think, or where they write it. Facebook has become a highway for cyberbulling, and even teachers can't escape it.


  1. I agree with your point of view on this subject. I also believe the teacher should have had just not said anything about the subject if he was going to be so mean about it. It is very good that he resigned and will no longer have a bad influence on the kids that he is teaching.

  2. I agree with your point of view for the most part. I'm glad that he removed himself from the school board after the negative comment he made but I don't think that he should be punished further for it. He shouldn't be a teacher if he feels that way but he should be allowed to say his opinion without getting punished because everyone has the right to freedom of speech.
